Flights from Palanga to Riga one way from

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What you should know planning a trip to Riga

Flight duration: The average direct flight duration to Riga from Europe’s major cities is between 2 and 3 hours.

Arrival: Riga's main airport is located approximately 10 kilometers of the city center. You can easily get to the city centre by Bus Nr. 22, the bus stop is just outside the airport terminal, or you can always use taxi. We kindly recommend to use the Bolt application, it will be cheaper than getting a taxi at the airport entrance. There are also several Car rental companies located right in the arrival hall of the terminal E. It is better to book your car in advance, you can use our partner Rentalcars to get best deals.

Language: Latvian is the official language, but English is widely spoken in tourist areas.

Currency: Latvia is a member of the European Union, and the currency of Latvia is the Euro (EUR), as in most European countries.